Television Appearances
A & E Top Ten Romantic Proposals
ABC News, Channel 4, Utah (2x)
Destination/Honeymoon expert)
Caryl and Marilyn–Real Friends (ABC), Los Angeles, CA
(4 appearances)
Crook & Chase (Universal), Los Angeles, CA
Donny & Marie, Dick Clark Productions, pilot guest
Essentials (The Learning Channel), Los Angeles, CA
Fox News: Fox on Men, New York, NY
The Gayle King Show, Hartford, CT
Home & Family (Family Channel), Los Angeles, CA, (7x)
Home Team with Terry Bradshaw, Hollywood, CA
The Hub. Mom2Mom with Maria Sansone, Boston, MA
Leeza Gibbons Show (NBC), Los Angeles, CA
(4 appearances)
The Mike & Maty Show (ABC), Los Angeles, CA
In Person with Maureen O’Boyle (NBC), New York, NY
NBC, KCRA Channel 4 News, Sacramento, CA (2x)
New Attitudes, (Lifetime)
Princess Cruise Lines: National Broadcast B-Roll Satellite Feed, New York, NY
The Sally Jessy Raphael Show (ABC), New York, NY
(4 appearances)
Talk Soup on E! , Los Angeles, CA
USA Live! (USA Network), New York, NY
AM Philadelphia (ABC), Philadelphia, PA
Channel 5 Mid Day Show (NBC News), Palm Beach, FL
Fox Channel 2 News: Mornings on 2 (Fox), San Francisco, CA
Good Day New York, New York, NY
Good Day Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Orange County News, Santa Ana, CA
Orange County News Prime Story , Santa Ana, CA
Southland Today (KDOC Channel 56), Costa Mesa, CA

Newspaper Articles
Connecticut Post, Bridgeport, CT
Courier Post, Cherry Hills, NJ
The Dayton Daily News, Dayton, OH
The Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale, FL
The Jewish Bulletin, San Francisco, CA
The Jewish Heritage, Irvine, CA
The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA
The Modesto Bee, Modesto, CA
The Mommy Times, Newport Beach, CA
National Scrabble Newsletter, Greenport, NY
Orange County Register, Irvine, CA (Accent front page)
OC Register – Newport Beach Light (front page)
Patriot Ledger, Quincy, MA
The Seattle Times, Seattle, WA
The Stanford Daily, Stanford, CA (front page)
Tribune Review, Greensberg, PA
The Vancouver Sun, Vancouver, Canada
The Washington Post, Washington, DC
Wedding News, Essex, England
Associated Press News Wire
The San Jose Mercury News, San Jose, CA
The Boston Globe, Boston, MA
The Chicago Tribune, Chicago, IL
Citizen, Auburn, NY
Galveston Daily News, Galveston, TX
The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH
The Providence Sunday Journal, Providence, RI
Record Searchlight, Redding, CA
Vindicator, Youngstown, OH

Los Angeles Times

Magazine Articles
Bridal Guide Magazine (2 times)
Cosmopolitan Magazine (2 times)
Coast Magazine, Corona Del Mar, CA (8 articles: 2 interviews as author and 6 stories as freelance writer)
Flowers and Profits, Redbook Florist Services, Paragould, AR
Glamour magazine (2 times)
Honeymoon magazine, New York, NY (Columnist/Public Relations Director, 3 years)
New England Bride, Peabody, MA
Orange Coast Magazine, Newport Beach, CA
POV Magazine
Playboy magazine
South Florida Bride, Miami, FL (column)

Radio Interviews
The Process on Sirius XM Radio Ch. 109
The Love Doctor Is In With Dr. Terri Orbuch, Empower Radio
Life UNfiltered with Lisa Sugarman & Debra Gansenberg, MSW, LICSW on North Shore 104.9FM
95.9 WATD Massachusetts
98.5 WYTX South Carolina
The Weekend with Ed Kalegi - Nationally Syndicated Radio Show
Hey, It's Cory Hepola - WCCO News Talk 830
The Joan Hamburg Show, WOR 960 AM New York, NY
KTRS, WOR 550 AM St. Louis, MO
KUCI 88.7 FM Irvine, CA
WKRQ Q102 FM Cincinnati, OH
WPNT 100.3 FM Chicago, IL
WSPD 1370 AM Toledo, OH
WLUP 97.9 FM Chicago, IL
KRQ 93.7 FM Tucson, AZ
KESY 104.5 FM Omaha, NE
98 Rock FM Baltimore, MD
WAFX Norfolk, VA
WZMX 93.7 AM Hartford, CT
WRCH 100.5 FM Hartford, CT
KIEV 870 AM Los Angeles, CA “Getting Married in Southern California“
KC101 Connecticut
WQQL Cool 101.9 Springfield, IL
Variety 96 FM Pittsburgh, PA
KWTX 97.5 FM Dallas, TX
WIBC Indianapolis, IN
KXFX 101.7 Santa Rosa, CA

Book Signings & Events
Barnes & Noble (14 signings nationwide)
Bookstar, Tustin, CA
Borders Books & Music (6 signings nationwide)
Brentano’s (3 signings nationwide)
Cardology, San Francisco, CA
Gibsons Bookstore (virtual), Concord, NH
Katy Budget Books (virtual) , Katy, TX
Kepler’s Books, Menlo Park, CA
Plump Jack Wine Store, San Francisco, CA
Rizzoli Bookstore, San Francisco and Costa Mesa, CA
Stanford University Bookstore, Stanford, CA
Stanford Alumni Author Reunion Events, Stanford, CA
Supercrown Books, Costa Mesa, CA
Waterstone Books, Los Angeles, CA

Speaking Engagements
The Branson School Virtual Presentation, Ross, CA
Vistamar School Virtual Presentation, El Segundo, CA
Gibson's Bookstore Virtual Panel, Concord, NH
Katy Budget Books Virtual Panel, Katy, TX
Parent Compass Virtual Book Launch Event & Panel
Barnes & Noble Bookstores (NY, CA, IL, FL, etc.)
The University of California at Irvine (UCI) Creative Writing Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader Irvine, CA
Contacts of Orange County, Newport Beach, CA
The Discovery Center, New York, NY – taught several courses
Irvine Women’s Hadassah Group, Irvine, CA
Jewish In-Between Singles Group (JIBS), Newport Beach, CA
Jewish Community Center luncheon speaker, Costa Mesa, CA
The Junior League of Orange County, Newport Beach, CA
The Learning Annex, New York, NY – taught several courses
Long Beach Women's Hadassah Group, Long Beach, CA
Newport Beach Women’s Hadassah Group, Newport Beach, CA
National Writer’s Association, Orange County, CA Speaker and Seminar Leader
North Shore Country Day School Virtual Presentation, Winnetka, IL
Orange County Jewish Author Festival, Jewish Community Center, Costa Mesa, CA
Santa Margarita Catholic High School Virtual Presentation
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Stanford University Profession Women’s Association, Irvine, CA
Stanford University Reunion Weekend, Stanford, CA Panelist and Speaker
University of Southern California Tri Delta Sorority 75th Anniversary, Los Angeles, CA Keynote Brunch Speaker
Your Teen Media Virtual Interview

Bridal Shows
Wedding Showcase, Buena Park, CA & Newport Beach, CA
The Great Bridal Expo, MDA Benefit Long Beach, CA
Simchat Celebration, Newport Beach, CA
Bridal Showcase, Buena Park, CA and Los Angeles, CA
Jewish Community Center, Costa Mesa, CA
Bloomingdale’s Home Store, Fashion Island, CA
Art from the Heart Benefit Auction, Sonoma State University, Rhonert Park, CA
The Great Bridal Expo, Muscular Dystrophy Benefit (MDA), Long Beach, CA