for parents, students, schools, community groups, summits, or business organizations
The Parent Compass: Practical Steps to Navigate the Adolescent Years While Keeping the Parent-Child Relationship Intact
Navigating Life after 3:00 PM with Teens
Tackling Technology with Intention, Not In Tension
Why Rankings Are Misleading
Praise The Journey, Not the Destination
How to Behave During the College Admission Journey
With or Without Covid-19: Alternate Routes to College (Not Just the Gap Year but so much more)
A Parent’s Guide to Study Skills and School Success
How to Choose the High School (or College) That is Right for You
Study Skills and Time Management in Middle and High School: Strategies, tips, and tools you need to succeed in school!
The middle and high school navigation process and the college admission process (how to be successful in school and productive during the teenage years while maintaining mental health).
How to be tech safe during the middle and high school years
How to write a successful college essay (best for high school juniors and new seniors)
College Admissions 101: A Crash Course on The College Application Process
College Tours and Planning A Worthwhile College Visit — Finding a School for You
Getting Ready for Your College Launch - How to plan your next chapter and life skills you will need
How to increase communication and mutual understanding during the tween and teen years
Tackling technology use in the home and navigating a family tech agreement
Navigating the college application process in harmony
How to Succeed in School
The College Interview
How to Get Published and Market and Promote Your Book
Myths and Truths of College Admissions
Navigating Middle School/High School/College (your choice)
Pursuing Your Passion — Finding A Career You Love and Making it Happen
Steps to Success in High School and Beyond — The Unwritten Rules of High School
Teacher Relationships and Planning for your College Future
What Goes on in an Admission Office: How are college applications evaluated?
(High School Teacher Workshop) How to Write Effective Teacher Recommendations
Or Any Special Requests You May Have or Combination of the Above Topics
(Please reach out via the contact form for rates and scheduling)
where Cynthia has spoken or conducted workshops
Acalanes High School, Lafayette, CA
Alderwood Middle School, Irvine, CA
Aramco Services Company, Houston, TX
Assisteens of Orange County, Costa Mesa, CA
Barnes & Noble Bookstores (Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Tustin, CA & New York, NY)
Beckman High School, Tustin, CA
Bolles School, Jacksonville, FL (in person faculty and parent presentations)
Bookery Bookstore, Manchester, NH
Branson School, Ross, CA (virtual)
Carden Hall School, Costa Mesa, CA
Contacts of Orange County, Newport Beach, CA
Corona del Mar High School, Corona del Mar, CA
Foothill High School, Tustin, CA
Gibson's Bookstore (virtual), Concord, NH
Happy Mom Summit, (virtual)
Happy and Confident Teen Summit, (virtual)
Harbor Day School, Corona del Mar, CA
Hewes Middle School, Tustin, CA
Irvine Hebrew Day School (virtual), Santa Ana, CA
Irvine Unified School District GATE Program, Irvine, CA
Irvine Women’s Hadassah Group, Irvine, CA
Jewish In-Between Singles Group, Newport Beach, CA
Jewish Community Center, Irvine, CA
Junior League Orange County, Newport Beach, CA
Katy Budget Books, (virtual panel), Katy, TX
Laguna Beach PTA Coffee Break, Aliso Creek, CA
Lawson Middle School, Cupertino, CA
Long Beach Women’s Hadassah, Long Beach, CA
Manhattan Beach Education Foundation, Manhattan Beach, CA
Menlo School Parent Coffee, Menlo Park, CA
Mirman School, Los Angeles, CA
Moms of Tweens and Teens Book Club Pick and Summit (virtual)
National Charity League, Irvine, Newport Beach, Tustin, & San Clemente, CA chapters
National Writer’s Association, Orange County, CA
Nazareth Academy, LaGrange Park, IL (virtual)
Newport Women’s Hadassah, Newport Beach, CA
Newport Harbor High School Navigators, Newport Beach, CA
North Shore Country Day School, Winnetka, IL
Orange County Jewish Author Festival, JCC, Costa Mesa, CA
Orange County School of the Arts (Santa Ana, CA)
Our Lady Queen of Angels, Corona del Mar, CA
Parent Compass (Virtual Book) Launch + Parenting Panel
ParentWiser Presentation, Issaquah, WA
Pegasus School, Huntington Beach, CA
Peninsula Bridge, San Mateo, CA
Raising a Happy Healthy Teen Virtual Summit
Redwood High School, Larkspur, CA
Santa Margarita Catholic High School, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA (2 visits: live and virtual)
Sierra Vista Middle School PTO, Irvine, CA
Stanford Alumni Association Networking Breakfast, Orange and Costa Mesa, CA
Stanford Breakfast Speakers, Irvine, CA
Stanford Professional Women’s Association, Irvine, CA
Stanford Reunion Weekend, Stanford, CA Panelist and Speaker
Susan Miller Dorsey High School; Fox S.T.A.R. Mentoring Program, Los Angeles, CA
Tarbut V’ Torah, Irvine, CA
The Discovery Center, New York, NY
The Learning Annex, New York, NY
UC Berkeley College Counselor Certification Program, Berkeley, CA
UC Irvine Creative Writing Conference, Irvine, CA
University High School, Irvine, CA
University of Southern California Tri Delta Sorority 75th Anniversary Luncheon, Keynote, Los Angeles, CA
Vistamar School (virtual), El Segundo, CA
Your Teen Media Online Event
from Seminars, Workshops, and Speaking Engagements
“Dynamic speaker, author and educational consultant Cindy Muchnick spoke at a special Wine & Wisdom event. Cindy presented her 10th book, The Parent Compass: Navigating Your Teen's Wellness and Academic Journey in Today's Competitive World, discussing how parents can consciously empower their relationship with their teens/tweens amidst today's rigorous schedules and expectations. From questions such as "What was your theme song for today?" or "What did someone do that was really kind?" or "whatever question" that is specific to your teen's interests, to creative suggestions for summer jobs (such as hosting Star Wars camps for neighborhood kids), to utilizing technology "with intention, not in tension," the session was packed full of parenting information found in Muchnick's well-researched, honest and helpful parenting book.”
Dr. Kathryn Pearson Peyton,
Bolles School Parent Association, Jacksonville, FL
“Our role as parents is to empower our children with the essential tools to be their best selves. It is not easy, and involves many twists and turns along the way, particularly in the tween and teen years. Every parent/child path is different, but as in any field, we can all learn from proven best practices. The Parent Compass is just that…a guidebook based on expert advice and tips for developing healthy relationships with our children. Cindy brought the book to life for our community during her presentation with her personal anecdotes and examples that resonated with all parents. The Parent Compass should be the book we all pull off the shelf when we need insightful techniques for embracing the challenges of parenting and fostering independence.”
Hilary Mahan
Executive Director Manhattan Beach Education Foundation
“Cindy graciously collaborated on a presentation that combined speaking on alternatives to college as well as college preparation that she was able to make relevant for parents and teens alike. We were grateful for the socioemotional/ human perspective and lens provided (she is a parent herself of college-aged children and teens) especially given the unusual circumstances in which we are living. She also offered to provide additional resources to our parents in attendance who had specific questions.
We were grateful for her expertise and wisdom.”
Parent Education Coordinator
Acalanes High School, Lafayette, CA
Thank you so much for presenting ALL day to our 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. Your message was timely for this group. You did an amazing job keeping the students engaged and then adjusting your presentation in the afternoon. We are so fortunate to be able to utilize your expertise regarding how to prepare for college admissions.
Kathy Scott
Principal Corona Del Mar High School Parent
Muchnick urged parents to be realistic, supportive and non-judgmental. Her stance as an advocate and supporter felt like a reasonable, useful and attainable goal among the parents in the room.
Laguna Beach Independent
Coffee Break welcomed Cindy Muchnick [who] brought a wonderful sense of practical can-do philosophies for parents as we wander the ever-changing landscape toward college, career and life. . . Her demonstrated stance as an advocate and supporter felt like a reasonable, useful and attainable goal among the parents in the room.
Laguna Beach PTO Coffee Break
[I wanted to let] you know what a great talk you gave to all of us – bravo! I love the good reminders and helpful insights you offered in regards to navigating school, homework, and social media. You are a wealth of information, and parents (myself included) are in need of support. It is so helpful to have someone with your expertise confirming what we know intuitively as parents needs to be done, but we begin to second guess ourselves. Are we being too hard? Are we being realistic? etc.? Any way, you were fantastic as a presenter, well done! I am not exaggerating when I say how [my daughter] has independently gravitated to your words in [The Everything Guide to Study Skills], and she frequently discusses different parts with me. I love it!. . .You’re making a difference in the world one student at a time. . . feels good!
Laguna Beach Coffee Break Parent
Harbor Day School Parent
Harbor Day School Parent
Wow! What a wonderful presentation you gave tonight (to the Irvine Unified School District GATE Parents]! Thank you so much. I learned a lot and will try to apply as much as I can with my three kids. You have so much energy and enthusiasm. No wonder your oldest son is inspired and motivated. It is probably because you nurture that in your home. Thank you again and I hope to see you soon at another presentation of yours. Do you have any presentations for students in the near future?
University High School Parent
You are an amazing woman and speaker! The topics of your book will certainly bring an “aha moment” to those who read it. You are refreshing and engaging every step of the way. Thank you for all you do everyday and for mostly being a role model/mentor to us all.
Harbor Day School Parent Education Committee
The Parent Compass presentation was an extremely valuable discussion for our school community and parent population. Jenn and Cindy shared their wisdom, experience, and recommendations in a clear and accessible format. Parents from our high school and community feeder schools enthusiastically participated and the event sparked important conversations between parents and their teens. Participants were given tangible strategies to utilize in their parenting journeys and we look forward to continuing the conversation in our academic communities.
Andrew Sulick, M.A., School President, Santa Margarita Catholic High School
Rancho Sant Margarita, CA
On behalf of the PAVE Council, I would like to thank Cynthia Clumeck Muchnick and Jenn Bowie Curtis for discussing their amazing book, The Parent Compass, with Vistamar Parents. Parenting has changed so much over the past couple of decades, and given the chaos of this past year, it was especially helpful to get some smart and practical advice from experts. Their insightful tips on how to navigate academics and mental health also resonated with Vistamar’s mission to shape students who are equipped to take on the challenges of the modern world. Raising happy, well-adjusted young people can be difficult under normal circumstances, and quarantining has been extra tough on parents and students. This book will provide the perfect, easy to follow guide to healthy communication and growth.
Ashima Mahna, PAVE Council President, Vistamar School, El Segundo, CA
The Branson School was so fortunate to host Cindy Muchnick and Jenn Curtis, authors of The Parent Compass for a virtual parent education event this fall. Their wisdom and experience felt especially relevant to our community during this challenging time of Covid. Cindy and Jenn challenged us as parents to consider how our own middle and high school experiences influence our expectations of our children. They encouraged us to celebrate the unique child in front of us and not get caught up in competitive, future-focused parenting. And they offered enlightening anecdotes to support their guidance on managing homework, athletics, the college application journey and technology. As the mother of 3 daughters, I will reference their book for years to come!
Tricia Lacy, Branson School Parent Education Chair, Ross, CA
Thank you for your presence at Carden Hall. You are lovely, smart, funny, engaging . . . a wonderful speaker and I enjoyed each moment. More importantly, [my daughter Karen] LOVED everything you said.
Carden Hall Parent
Thank you so much for speaking to the girls last night at our NCL meeting. You were great, and I know the girls really enjoyed it! I have received very nice emails and comments on your presentation from the mothers. I know it was helpful to all!
Newport Beach National Charity League Parent
Thank you for a wonderful presentation. The feedback from mentors has been great; and all of them have said that their mentees have already started asking questions. I am always thrilled when a presentation spurs dialogue. Can’t ask for anything more. Usually, we have to wrangle them a few times during presentations (laughter, conversations with their friends, etc.), but these guys were quiet because they were engaged and listening. Your style and your message were the right mix, you have a talent. Again, thank you for making the trek and for doing such a great job.
Cesar Alvarez, Twentieth Century Fox Attorney & Fox Mentor
I was at your Carden Hall discussion you conducted last night. Your presentation was absolutely fabulous and you were so inspiring, so lovely, and you hit on all key points. It was so refreshing to hear you speak . . . you were inspiring and delightful and I had to call to tell you just how much I enjoyed hearing you, even after a long day at work and carpooling!
Carden Hall Parent
I attended your talk at Pegasus yesterday and wanted to say that you spoke beautifully and I was absolutely enthralled with your presentation. Short, sweet, wonderful and full of enthusiasm. I have five kids that have attended or are attending Pegasus. I am so happy they brought you to speak. I just had to call to say how much I loved hearing you it was very enlightening.
Pegasus School Parent
Thank you for a wonderful presentation on “High School Survival” last week at Our Lady Queen of Angels School. I know my son learned some good tips to start off on the right foot as he beings high school next year, and I reviewed some of your points with my freshman daughter, too. I hope Our Lady continues to offer your talk to the eighth graders on an annual basis.
Our Lady Queen of Angels
8th grade Parent
I was so impressed with your pep talk and though some of the phrases were hauntingly familiar, he seemed to be much more receptive to you than me as you would expect. During the car ride home, he actually remembered that he had some homework to do and is on the computer working on a poem for English as we speak. I have been reminding him all day that he must have some homework that he should be doing. I would have rather he did it earlier and got a good night’s sleep but I don’t want to discourage his new found motivation. I think your pep talk was so motivating for him that we should have you meet with him after his 3rd quarter grades so he can show his “improvement”. Thanks again for your help. He was very positive and happy on the way home so I think it may have worked.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
Corona del Mar High School Parent
Cindy . . . You are amazing! And I am speaking with absolute sincerity. Your information was so valuable and you are such a great speaker. Thank you again for letting me hear your presentation. I learned so many valuable tips to pass on to my girls that will really make a difference for them! . . . Your presentation is a good, strong step in the right direction for me to get started [helping my daughters]. You awakened my awareness in just how important those high school years are in leading to the right college down the road. Thanks!
Harbor Day School Parent
Thank you so much for speaking to our 9th grade NCL group. We had a ton of fun and learned some valuable information about our future. Thanks again.
Tustin NCL Ticktocker Student
Thanks, Cindy, for an informative and helpful evening! You were really able to condense an enormous amount of information into a short amount of time. We will definitely use your handouts and guidelines during what will be a crucial year. We’re so glad we attended the class!
University High School Parent
It was certainly a pleasure meeting you last night. Had we met a year ago I would have hired you on the spot! Where were you? My daughter felt the lecture was informative (and made her realize that although she felt she was on track – she has much more to do). This is such a nerve-wracking process for both parents and teens and it is a far cry than anything we had to experience going to college almost 40 (ouch) years ago.
University High School Parent
I enjoyed and valued last night’s seminar. . . Thank you ever so much! You are a terrific energy!
Troy High School Parent
It was a real pleasure listening to your wonderful tips on high school at the session in Carden Hall. My daughter and I were greatly touched by your level of knowledge.
Carden Hall Parent
Thank you Cindy so much for last night. You gave such valuable information and I am sure the student’s heads are spinning. I look forward to doing something in the summer for the teens. Thanks again!
Audra Martin
Teen, Tween & Young Adult Director, Orange County Jewish Community Center